This video shows you how to process photographic photo paper using homemade developer & fixer! All you’ll need is coffee granules, vitamin c power/tablets & washing soda for the dev (aka caffenol) and table salt for the fix. You can use this to process photo paper exposed in a camera obscura (see previous video), a pinhole camera or any camera you can put a bit of photo paper in. The same stuff works for film. A cheaper, more readily available and environmentally friendly way of doing things!
You’ll need photo paper (I don’t know how to make this with stuff I have in the kitchen I’m afraid!) but any photo paper should work, if you have an out of date box somewhere It should still yield results, and colour paper works too, but it will come out sepia. There are loads of way better made and probably much clearer tutorials like this out there already so if this process excites you and you want to learn more just start searching, then playing! I just wanted to introduce this to people who might not be aware and to make something that was super simple and clear to those of you stuck at home desperate for things to past the time/teach the kids!! I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to share!
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