Junk Journal January Day 14 - Mixed Media Page - Patterns Using Household Items

Junk Journal January Day 14 - Mixed Media Page - Patterns Using Household Items

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Welcome to day 14 of #junkjournaljanuary2024 #junkjournaljanuary .The prompt is PATTERN and I'm creating a new page using household items to create patterns on a background made from the 3 colours on my palette.

This challenge is hosted by @megjournals .

Link to prompts https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmNNNV9jaXJPQ2hWVGhuTkdZQU8xUDhVODhtd3xBQ3Jtc0tuWXp0bVVITFIxaUlNbnd3QjhacHMtY1F5QTEzQ2pkdUVqLUVWYmxITXR2cFFJR2NBVXpkbDJ6djQyRVpkVWpPSnpILWVaSFdTdl96YUlyR3RpUjB6alB1VjkyRW5rczFpUGZIU05FQ2xLblpGV0NsNA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgetmessyart.com%2Fpeek%2Fjjj%2F&v=mMSqk63pfm8

acrylic paint - various brands
gesso white & black - various brands
Chromacryl texture paste
Ranger distress inks & crayons, Tumbled Glass & Evergreen Bough
Tonic Mixed Media glass mat
Jo Sonja acrylic flow paint
stencil brush from the cheap shop
Liquitex matte gel medium
Liquitex matte liquid painting medium
Art Glitter glue
flat paint brush, round paint brush, fan paint brush
Monte Marte water soluble crayon
Faber Castell Gelato water soluble crayon
Derwent Inktense Blocks
Kuretake watercolour paints
Stabilo All pencil
Art Spectrum artist ink
Liquitex artist ink
Book pages & music sheets

I hope my videos enrich your day and provide you with some entertainment, and that you may learn something from my artistic adventures.
If you find value here, you can show your appreciation by giving me a big thumbs up, πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ , leaving a comment or a question ❓❓❓and subscribing to my channel if you haven't already. πŸ””πŸ””πŸ””
πŸ’œ I appreciate each and every one of you and send out big hugs to you all.πŸ’œThanks for making my day. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
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Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/leighsartstudio/

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