"Donald Trump Is a Traitor to This Country": Niece Mary Reacts to News of Two Televised Debates

"Donald Trump Is a Traitor to This Country": Niece Mary Reacts to News of Two Televised Debates

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Publish Date:
May 17, 2024
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Mary Trump, Donald Trump's niece, told Mehdi why she’s worried about Biden agreeing to a debate with the former president, the first of which has been set for June.

“It concerns me that he’s legitimized a man who incited an insurrection against his own government. So by putting him up on that stage with him, he’s essentially normalizing him as the presidential nominee.”

And as Trump weighs his options for a running mate, top Republicans like J.D. Vance and Tim Scott are keen to earn some brownie points with him – flocking to Trump's side at the first ever criminal trial of a former president. Mehdi asked Mary why these GOP members are so desperate for a position that almost got Mike Pence killed.

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